Masontown Trailhead Park
The Masontown Trailhead park is one of the entrances to the 19.5 mile Deckers Creek Rail-Trail, The park features a public restroom facility in a restored historic 1907 Elkins Coal and Coke Building. In addition to the restrooms, there are two parking areas, a drinking fountain, a bike fix-it station, vending machines, a pedestrian bike/bridge, an outdoor classroom, and a weather shelter.
Kingwood Trailhead Park
Start your rail-trail adventure here! An Outdoor Event Space, small pavilion, and natural playground are among the recent updates to this park.
In 2023, we established a partnership with the non-profit, Wade's World of Wonder, to bring an inclusive and accessible playground, in honor of Wade Mazza, to this park to engage and inspire individuals of all ages and abilities. Over the next few years, we will work on site development in preparation for the playground equipment. ***If you or your business are interested in sponsoring a play component, please contact us. General donations to the playground can be made HERE.*** We have lots of other additions to this park in the planning stages. Check the website and follow us on Facebook to keep up to date on park development news and progress. |
WV Northern Rail-Trail Corridor
The WVNRT Corridor is a 10 mile rail-trail connecting trailside communities between the county seat of Kingwood and the town of Tunnelton. The first 2 miles on the Kingwood end were constructed in 2020 and efforts are underway to construct the remaining 8 miles.
View the trail on Trail Link. |
Tunnelton Trailhead Park
Another exciting project is the Tunnelton Trailhead Park. Conceptual plans updated in 2020 include a 5k Fitness Trail and adaptive reuse of the old pump-house and maintenance building. Buildings were painted the Summer of 2021 by local residents and youth in partnership with regional artists organized by Eddie Spaghetti. These whimsical paintings are sure to be enjoyed by the whole family! This section of trail has been resurfaced and fitness stations, chess/checkers tables, cornhole, bocce, and a weather shelter are among the many updates to look forward to in 2024.